PS752 AssociationStatments

Association Statement on Flight PS752’s Show Trials in Iran

Amidst the ongoing revolution in Iran, and in the days when the murderous regime of the Islamic Republic slays the youth of the country on the streets or sends them to the gallows where the real murderers smirk at the mourning people of Iran, the Military Court is planning yet another mockery of justice. On Thursday, December 15, Tehran’s Military Court will be resuming its show trials on the downing of flight PS752, which claimed the lives of 176 innocent passengers and crew, along with an unborn child.
Based on the information that we have obtained, not a single high-ranking or even mid-level personnel or commanders of the armed forces are among the accused. The case and charges are based on a false theory of negligence and “human error.” There have been no independent experts to investigate the case. Everything has happened behind closed doors and without any transparency towards the families of the victims. The families have instead endured and resisted nearly three years of persecution, intimidation, threats, and sometimes deceitful offers of compensation.
It is our duty to inform the public of the nefarious plots of the Islamic Republic thugs and their leaders. The Islamic Republic intends to close this blood-stained file in silence and at a time when the West is in holidays. We believe that Ali Khamenei, Hossein Salami, Ali Shamkhani, Mohammad Bagheri, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, and many others among the highest ranks of the Islamic Regime are the real culprits behind this crime and must be put on trials.
In recent days, the world witnessed how innocent civilians were tried in summary proceedings and executed with no due process. Meanwhile, the culprits who ordered or carried out the orders to shoot down a civilian airliner continue to roam with full impunity after nearly three years. We shall never remain silent in the face of injustice. We all hope that the case of flight PS752 will be presented to and tried in international courts and, more importantly, in a fair and impartial court of a free Iran in the near future.

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